In-Portal Issue Tracker

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    P (EP)ID # CategoryTarget VersionTypeStatusUpdatedSummaryFixed in Version
    (3)00010315 A [In-Portal CMS]
Data Management
5.2.0refactoringclosed (alex)2012-11-27User management internals refactoring5.2.0-B1
    (3)00010036 A [In-Portal CMS]
5.2.1feature requestresolved (alex)2012-10-04Logging engine5.2.1-B1
    (3)00011367 A [In-Commerce]
Front End
5.2.0bug reportclosed (alex)2012-07-25Products Comparison5.2.0-B1
    (3)00002685 A [In-Portal CMS]
5.2.1taskactive2012-07-25Code Cleanup in 5.2.x branch
    (3)00011274 A [In-Commerce]
Payment Gateways
5.2.0bug reportclosed (alex)2012-07-25Change error reporting in shopping cart5.2.0-B1
    (3)000057615 A [In-Portal CMS]
5.2.0feature requestclosed (alex)2012-07-25Separating Database Master/Slave Requests5.2.0-B1
    (3)00011234 A [In-Portal CMS]
Caching System
5.2.0bug reportclosed (alex)2012-07-25Parallel cache rebuild problem could cause high server load5.2.0-B1
    (3)00011334   [In-Commerce]
Payment Gateways
5.2.0bug reportclosed (Dmitry)2012-07-25One-step Checkout5.2.0-B1
    (3)00010335 A [In-Commerce]
Data Management
5.2.0feature requestclosed (alex)2012-07-25VAT Calculation and Invoicing5.2.0-B1
    (3)00010225 A [In-Portal CMS]
Data Management
5.2.0feature requestclosed (alex)2012-07-25Uploaded file distribution within /system/ folder5.2.0-B1
    (3)00002716 A [In-Portal CMS]
Data Management
5.2.0feature requestclosed (alex)2012-07-25Redesign "Data Validation" Engine5.2.0-B1
    (3)000006514 A [In-Portal CMS]
Front End
5.2.0feature requestclosed (alex)2012-07-25Add "Maintenance Mode" option for Website5.2.0-B1
    (3)00011177 A [In-Portal CMS]
Admin Interfaces
5.2.0feature requestclosed (alex)2012-07-25Version Control for Sections5.2.0-B1
    (3)00010114 A [In-Portal CMS]
5.2.0bug reportclosed (alex)2012-07-25Review and Rename Table Names in CORE5.2.0-B1
    (3)000112615 A [In-Commerce]
Front End
5.2.0bug reportclosed (Dmitry)2012-07-25Implement Smart Filters5.2.0-B2
    (3)000098112 A [In-Portal CMS]
5.2.0taskclosed (Dmitry)2012-07-25Rename Agents section to "Scheduled Tasks"5.2.0-B1
    (3)0001368    [In-Portal CMS]
Data Management
Iceboxrefactoringactive2012-07-23Removing "module root category" term and related functionality
    (3)00008512   [In-Portal CMS]
Admin Interfaces
Iceboxtaskactive2011-12-29Improvements to translatable field interface
    (3)0001153    [In-Portal CMS]
Iceboxrefactoringactive2011-12-23Minimizing In-Portal CORE
    (3)00006662 A [In-Portal CMS]
Install / Upgrages
Iceboxfeature requestactive2011-12-18Show latest available version in top frame in administrative console
    (2)00014261   [In-Portal CMS]
Admin Interfaces
5.3.0feature requestneeds feedback (alex)2013-01-18Tags functionality
    (2)00008356 A [In-Portal CMS]
Front End
Iceboxfeature requestneeds work (alex)2012-11-05New 5.1.0 style flash uploader porting to Front-End
    (2)0001437    [In-Portal CMS]
Front End
5.3.0bug reportactive2012-11-05Prevent force-escaping of data on Front-End
    (2)0001430    [In-Portal CMS]
Admin Interfaces
5.3.0feature requestactive2012-11-05Scheduled task execution method detection
    (2)00013151   [In-Portal CMS]
Front End
5.3.0refactoringactive2012-10-20Routing Ideas
    (2)00013622 A [In-Portal CMS]
5.2.1feature requestresolved (alex)2012-10-18Use even more secure password hashing algorithm5.2.1-B1
    (2)00010236 A [In-Portal CMS]
5.3.0feature requestactive2012-10-17Ability to Keep Language Packs in Sync
    (2)0001379    [In-Portal CMS]
Data Management
5.3.0bug reportactive2012-08-20Submitting system logs to Intechnic servers
    (2)0001371    [In-Portal CMS]
Data Management
5.3.0refactoringactive2012-08-15Replace "AdoDb Date Time Library" with PHP build-in DateTime class
    (2)00011403 A [In-Portal CMS]
Data Management
5.2.0feature requestclosed (alex)2012-07-25Ability to specify Timeout for Agents5.2.0-B1
    (2)00010776 A [In-Portal CMS]
Data Management
5.2.0bug reportclosed (alex)2012-07-25Problems with category item import5.2.0-B1
    (2)00003925 A [In-Portal CMS]
Data Management
5.2.0bug reportclosed (alex)2012-07-25Section renaming using "Section Properties" button causes one more section to be created5.2.0-B1
    (2)000110511 A [In-Portal CMS]
Admin Interfaces
5.2.0feature requestclosed (alex)2012-07-25Add "Login as User" button to user list in Admin5.2.0-B1
    (2)00007519 A [In-Portal CMS]
Data Management
5.2.0feature requestclosed (alex)2012-07-25Allow to set phrase initial translation from template5.2.0-B1
    (2)00006456 A [In-Portal CMS]
5.2.0feature requestclosed (alex)2012-07-25User / Group Access restriction by IP5.2.0-B1
    (2)00003976 A [In-Portal CMS]
Data Management
5.2.0taskclosed (alex)2012-07-25Ability to work with main event from OnBefore/OnAfter type events called from kDBItem class5.2.0-B1
    (2)00009446 A [In-Portal CMS]
Front End
5.2.0feature requestclosed (alex)2012-07-25Ability for Users to subscribe to mailing during Registration5.2.0-B1
    (2)00008569 A [In-Portal CMS]
Data Management
5.2.0feature requestclosed (alex)2012-07-25Add PriorityEventHandler to Core5.2.0-B1
    (2)00009757 A [In-Portal CMS]
5.2.0taskclosed (alex)2012-07-25Automatically remove unused LEFT JOIN from list count database queries5.2.0-B1
    (2)00008165 A [In-Portal CMS]
Admin Interfaces
5.2.0feature requestclosed (alex)2012-07-25New grid multioptions filter5.2.0-B1
    (2)00006446   [In-Portal CMS]
5.2.0bug reportclosed (!COMMUNITY)2012-07-25Compatibility Issues with PHP 5.3.x5.2.0-B1
    (2)00004754   [In-Portal CMS]
5.2.0taskclosed (!COMMUNITY)2012-07-25Inappropriate "eval" usage in kBase::makeClass method5.2.0-B1
    (2)00009645 A [In-Portal CMS]
Data Management
5.2.0feature requestclosed (alex)2012-07-25Improvements to user Login field5.2.0-B1
    (2)00009484 A [In-Portal CMS]
Front End
5.2.0feature requestclosed (alex)2012-07-25Change in "Forgot Password" logic5.2.0-B1
    (2)00007784 A [In-Portal CMS]
Admin Interfaces
5.2.0feature requestclosed (alex)2012-07-25Improvements to Create User & Admin form in Admin5.2.0-B1
    (2)00011683 A [In-Commerce]
Data Management
5.2.0bug reportclosed (alex)2012-07-25Affiliate user gets paid for non-affiliate orders from same payout period5.2.0-B1
    (2)00011293 A [In-Portal CMS]
Front End
5.2.0bug reportclosed (alex)2012-07-25Report Review5.2.0-B1
    (2)00010249 A [In-Portal CMS]
Admin Interfaces
5.2.0feature requestclosed (alex)2012-07-25Phrase type detection based on it's name5.2.0-B1
    (2)00009697 A [In-Portal CMS]
Install / Upgrages
5.2.0feature requestclosed (alex)2012-07-25New "System Configuration" installation step5.2.0-B1
    (2)00011426 A [In-Portal CMS]
Data Management
5.2.0bug reportclosed (alex)2012-07-25Images are deleted during link approval process5.2.0-B1
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activeneeds feedbackneeds workneeds testingreviewed and testedresolvedclosed

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In-Portal Open Source CMS
In-Portal Open Source CMS
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